Friday 18 October 2024

Clearwater 18 October 2024

Our meeting place to view the Clivia miniata's was from Crag's View where Craig had created beautiful indigenous gardens to create more public awareness.  People don't really appreciate indigenous gardens as they generally favour the exotics in search of "colour" and Craig and Gail hoped to sway people to plant indigenous and become more aware of the plants that grew in the reserve.  They are tough and hardy plants that can survive not being pampered and watered and yet are so rewarding with all the wildlife and birds that they attract.  With back breaking hours Craig turned a neglected horse paddock into an interesting garden which have bridges and waterways that will only become more beautiful in time once established and it has with an area that has a snare display with information which he personally collected over the years in trying to save the wildlife that is poached on a daily basis.   This area has been drawing the attention of the local garden clubs who have enjoyed their mornings here.  From this site we meandered along the trail finding Boophone disticha,  Merwilla plumbea (Near Threatened), Disa woodii, Cyanotis speciossa, Helichrysum spiralepis, Hypoxis argentea and Drimia echinostachya.  Eulophia streptopetala was awakening. 

In the reserve we came across the endemic Gnidia coriacea, Lasiosiphon triplinervis and Caesia contortaLeucadendron spissifolium subsp. oribinum is our endemic and Vulnerable A2c; B1ab(iii,v)+2ab(iii,v).  This protea is also known as the Oribi Spear-leaf Conebush.

Along the forest edge we found our endemic Eugenia umtamvunensis which is Endangered B1ab(iii,v)+2ab(iii,v).  The endemic Mitriostigma axillare was flowering as we entered into the forest. In the forest to our delight the vulnerable Clivia miniata var. miniata was magnificently flowering.  This beautiful plant is harvested for medicinal purposes and in the horticultural trade.  Its habitat is threatened owing to forest plantations, crop cultivation and urban development. We keep a watchful eye on these plants as they have been poached in the reserve with dustbin bags being carried out in the past.

The rare and endemic Cyphostemma rubroglandulosum could be seen in flower which grew alongside the Clivia's.  Gail, Tracy and Arman ventured to the falls clambering up colossal boulders where we found an Ochna. This could be Ochna arborea but this species is currently being further researched and when Richard Boon's book gets published, we may find a new species.  The flower we saw on this Ochna was very large compared to others we've seen.  

We all made our way back in our own time and so grateful to have spent the day learning from each other and enjoying this beautiful environment which we hold so close to our hearts.


Tao and the Boophone disticha at Crag's View.

Tao is a chinese word meaning "Path/Way".  The day she was rescued having being dumped as a 1 kg pup in an awful condition Craig and Gail found her in their path and way, hence she received her name.  

Snares Craig has found over the years in dedicating his life to conserving wildlife.

Clivia miniata var. miniata
Vulnerable A2abcd

Meandering down observing all flowers to The Fish Eagle Trail.

Boophone disticha

Disa woodii

Cyanotis speciosa
Doll's Powderpuff

Merwilla plumbea
Near Threatened A2bd

Uschi looking at Drosera natalensis in flower.

Tracy in church.

Leucadendron spissifolium subsp. oribinum
Oribi Spear-leaf Conebush
Vulnerable A2c; B1ab(iii,v)+2ab(iii,v)
South African endemic 

Helichrysum spiralepis

Ajuga ophrydis

Argyrolobium harveyanum

Gnidia coriacea
South African endemic

Petopentia natalensis
Photo credit:  Tracy

Eulophia parviflora
Photo credit:  Tracy

Lasiosiphon triplinervis 
South African endemic

Caesia contorta 
South African endemic

Eugenia umtamvunensis
Thick-leaved Forest Myrtle
Endangered B1ab(iii,v)+2ab(iii,v)
South African endemic

Mitriostigma axillare 
South African endemic

New leaves.

Garcinia gerrardii 

Cassipourea malosana

Psilotum nudum


A stream flowering over the rocks from the waterfall above into the Umtamvuna river below.


A lovely refreshing waterfall in which we cooled down in.

Ochna arborea
Possibly a new species.  Awaiting Richards Boon's book.

Justicia campylostemon

Rinorea angustifolia  subsp. natalensis

Cyphostemma rubroglandulosum
South African endemic
Photo credit:  Tracy

Arman enjoying the Clivia's that were flowering.
Photo credit:  Tracy

Gail, Tracy and Arman clambering up to the waterfall in search of Clivia's

GBW on the rocks. 

The Thursday Group/CREW

Arman, Tracy, Gail, Uschi, Maggie, Joan, Dorothy
 and Buyi who left a little earlier to study vultures with Yvie

"Perform those actions you will never regret:  actions that will ripen into future joy and delight". - Unknown

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