Saturday 4 May 2019

Baking in the autumn sun at Manilkara Meander (Thursday 2 May 2019)

With some frenzied telephonic arrangements made at the crack of dawn, we were able to welcome post-graduate student Lloyd Mhlongo to the group walking at Manilkara Meander. Alf Hayter was another addition to the group for the day. We set off to the forest edge where we found a large Helichrysum populifolium with its honey-scented flowers and trailing stems of Crassula sarmentosa subsp. integrifolia below it.

Helichrysum populifolium

Crassula sarmentosa subsp. integrifolia

The morning light across the gorge displayed the rugged cliffs and the forest beautifully.

View across the forest towards the opposite cliffs

As we worked our way along the clifftops we found a tall Acokanthera oppositiflora bearing several fruits. A bit further along Colpoon compressum sported bright red and purple fruit. Clambering in under some trees past a few small Gasteria croucherii, we found a single Holothrix orthoceras in bud. Nearby Homalium rufescens was starting to flower.

Acokanthera oppositifolia

Colpoon compressum

Holothrix orthoceras

Homalium rufescens

By this stage the sun was really baking and we were on the most exposed section of cliffs. We found Cotyledon orbiculata in bud, a species of Delosperma which has yet to get identified, Grewia pondoensis in fruit and a very floriferous Cynanchum gerrardii.

Cotyledon orbiculata

Cynanchum gerrardii

Delosperma sp.

Grewia pondoensis

Scattered along this edge were several Maytenus acuminata, one of which had some open fruit capsules, Lauridia tetragona with a cluster of fruit, Robsonodendron eucleiforme, Schrebera alata, Loxostylis alata and a Tricalysia capensis, all in flower.

Maytenus acuminata

Lauridia tetragona fruits

Robsonodendron eucleiforme

Schrebera alata

Tricalysia capensis

Loxostylis alata

We sought refuge in a small patch of shade to have lunch and while sitting there, noticed a small Maytenus oleosa full of flowers.On the way back across the grassland we found several Muraltia lancifolia and some Rafnia elliptica showing their twisted black seed capsules.

Maytenus oleosa

Muraltia lancifolia

Rafnia elliptica

Participants: Alf H, Anne S, Gail B-W, Graham G, Kate G, Lloyd M, Mark G, Tracy T.

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