Monday 16 August 2021

Beacon Hill 12 August 2021


It was an earlier start than our usual ten o’clock as Suvarna from C.R.E.W was joining us from Durban to brief us of the areas that they would like us to explore within our region for the year ahead.  We huddled drinking hot tea and coffee poured from our flasks and then to have our meeting.  We then draped ourselves in suitable weather protecting clothing and went out into the beastly miserable weather to see what flowers were flowering after the burn at Beacon Hill. The wind howled and voices could not be heard.  It was cold too. Trying to take photos of flowers was quite a challenge and "sports" mode was the only option for Gail. On this meander one thought that flowers would only be observed and not captured digitally.   We had not received rain and yet new flowers were pushing up through burnt veld and there was a mass of colour and beauty.  Spring was in the air be it not exactly with the weather but in the flowers observed.     

Exploring the veld at Beacon Hill, Umtumvuna

Gladiolus longicollis

Gladiolus inandensis

Pseudopegolettia tenella

Eriosema kraussianum

Helichrysum sp

Helichrysum ecklonis

Drimia echinostachya

Gerbera natalensis

Eulophia hians var hians

Eulophia hians var hians

Eulophia parviflora

Eulophia parviflora

Albuca setosa

Hypoxis costata

Kohautia amatymbica

Pelargonium luridum

Exochaenium grande

Crabbea sp

Graderia scabra with Eulophia parviflora

Cyrtanthus brachyscyphus

Pondoland C.R.E.W.  

Front:  Gail and Tracy
Back:  Simon, Maggie, Dorothy, Anne, Alf, Suvarna and Kaveesha

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