Saturday 21 December 2019

An orchid feast at Cubica Heights (Thursday 19 December, 2019)

We had intended to walk somewhere on the Western Height,s as much as the overcast weather permitted, but on the way found the road blocked by a broken down trailer, so we diverted to walk at Cubica Heights instead.

Not long after setting off, we could hear the sound of the waterfalls and headed in that direction, passing Aspalathus chortophila and Rafnia elliptica on the way. Alongside the forested stream we found Ludwigia octovalvis and Gomphocarpus physocarpus in flower. The first stream we reached cascades through an very narrow slot and unfortunately it is impossible to get a view of its falls from the grassland. We did however get a good view of the main Outeniqua Falls and there was quite a good volume of water flowing over the falls.

Aspalathus chortophila

Rafnia elliptica

Ludwigia octovalvis

Gomphocarpus physocarpus

Outeniqua Falls

On the rocky cliff-edges we found the first many flowering orchids, Rangaeris muscicola and Tridactyle bicaudata subsp rupestris, along with Euryops brevipapposus and Pseudoscolopia polyantha.

Rangaeris muscicola

Pseudoscolopia polyantha

Tridactyle bicaudata subsp.rupestris

Euryops brevipapposus
As we walked further we found Striga bilabiata and clumps of vinaceous-flowered Tinnea galpinii. Once we reached the next set of rocks we found Secamone alpinii, Agapanthus campanulatus and Podocarpus latifolius in flower.

Striga bilabiata

Tinnea galpinii

Secamone alpinii

Agapanthus campanulatus

Podocarpus latifolius

Hugging the rocks were crusts of Bulbophyllum scaberulum and several were sporting their odd sheath-like inflorescences. Ducking under a Podocarpus latifolius we climbed down into the forest and entered a wonderland carpeted by Hypoxis membranaceus, Liparis remota, Stenoglottis macloughlinii, one or two Ceropegia linearis and a few Streptocarpus haygarthii. We made this our lunch spot and sat drinking in this floral splendour.

Bulbophyllum scaberulum

Hypoxis membranaceus

Stenoglottis macloughlinii

Liparis remota

Streptocarpus haygarthii

Back out into the grassland, we found Senecio glanduloso-lanosus hovering over a diminutive Brachystelma australe. We followed the forest edge finding Grewia pondoensis, Canthium vanwykii, Putterlickia retrospinosa and Rhynchosia caribaea flowering and Rhynchocalyx lawsonoides and Rothmannia globosa in fruit.

Senecio glanduloso-lanosus

Brachystelma australe

Grewia pondoensis

Canthium vanwykii

Putterlickia retrospinosa

Rhynchocalyx lawsonoides fruits

Rhynchosia caribaea

Rothmannia globosa fruits

Concealed in the grass at the lookout point there were several Helichrysum mixtum and a damp seep hosted a colony of Schizochilus zeyheri. After crossing a small dry watercourse we reached some rock-plates and there found some Craterostigma nanum; these particular plants had flowers which were much more strongly pink that we have seen in past years. Our last find on the way back to the vehicles was a group of Satyrium sphaerocarpum.

Helichrysum mixtum

Schizochilus zeyheri

Craterostigma nanum

Satyrium sphaerocarpum

Participants: Alf H, Anne S, Dorothy M, Graham G, Kate G, Maggie A, Mark G, Tracy T.

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