was a lovely suprise to meet at Beacon Hill in the Umtamvuna to find Graham and
Kate Grieve there to join us on our Thursday botanising excursion. We
drove up to Smedmore in search of Disperis woodii because it had come to its
end of its flowering season and we would have missed it if we didn't go
now. Alas it was not the day to find this tiny little orchid that grows
in the grassland as the grass had not been burnt and it would be like looking
for a needle in a hay stack. The grassland was unexciting and we decided
not to waste any more time and head on. We ended up navigating our way to
Cubica Heights. There we found a plethora of flowers and Afroaster
serrulata was flowering prolifically. It was not quite the orchid time
but nevertheless we found the vulnerable Drimia echinostachya and Watsonia inclinata, the near
threatened Canthium vanwykii in flower. The Acalypha
depressinerva we flowering prolifically. The views from this reserve are
always breathtaking and the shade always welcoming. It was lovely botanising with C.R.E.W. today.
Drimia echinostachya HYACINTHACEAE Vulnerable A2ad; C2a(i) |
Senecio coronatus ASTERACEAE |
Helichrysum nudifolium var. oxyphyllum ASTERACEAE |
Canthium vanwykii RUBIACEAE Near Threatened B1ab(iii,v)+2ab(iii,v) |
Petopentia natalensis APOCYNACEAE South African endemic |
Polystachya sandersonii ORCHIDACEAE |
Acalypha wilmsii EUPHORBIACEAE |
Acalypha depressinerva EUPHORBIACEAE |
Cotyledon orbiculata CRASSULACEAE |
Helichrysum acutatum ASTERACEAE |
Afroaster serrulatus ASTERACEAE |
Acalypha depressinerva EUPHORBIACEAE |
Euphorbia gueinzii EUPHORBIACEAE |
Pentanisia prunelloides RUBIACEAE |
Leobordea pulchra FABACEAE |
Senecio glaberrimus ASTERACEAE |
Senecio bupleuroides ASTERACEAE |
Gerbera piloselloides ASTERACEAE |
Pondoland C.R.E.W. Gail Bowers-Winters, Graham and Kate Grieve, Anne Skelton, Tracy Taylor, Mark Getliffe, Dorothy McIntyre and Maggie Abbott. |