A small group of us braved the 3,5 hour trip to the Mkambathi Nature Reserve (3,5 hours by road despite the straight-line distance from home to the reserve being only 46 km) despite the adverse weather forecasts. Just inside the gate we stopped to look at some flowers off to the left of the road. As we walked towards them we could see that they were Kniphofia drepanophyla. As this section of the reserve had been burned in a management burn this had removed the lanky grasses normally obscuring the view of a wetland and it was here that there was a proliferation of these Vulnerable endemic Kniphofias in flower. On the other sied of the road we found Euphorbia flanaganii and a few flowering Lampranthus fugitans.
Euphorbia flanaganii |
Massed flowering of Kniphofia drepanophylla |
Kniphofia drepanophylla |
Lampranthus fugitans |
On the way back to the vehicle we found Delosperma vinaceum flowering on another rock plate. At the edge of the rock plate there were Ornithogalum graminifolium and in the surrounding grassland we found Plecostachys serpyllifolium and a bright cluster of Rotheca hirsuta flowers.
Delosperma vinaceum |
Ornithogalum graminifolium |
Plecostachys serpyllifolium |
Rotheca hirsuta |
We drove to the reception area and received the keys for our stone cottage. After unpacking we decided to take a walk in the grasslands surrounding the cottages - these had burned recently in an accidental fire. Despite the showing of grass, the fire had obviously been too recent for many of the forbs to be flowering. We crossed over a rise and reached a wetland where we could see a few Merwilla plumbea flowering and alongside the wetland there were several Lotononis bachmanniana.
We explored the edges of a small forest patch, finding Maesa lanceolata in flower. Climbing a rocky ridge to get above the forest we soon found a Cussonia pondoensis in fruit - this is a species for which a proper description has yet to be published. Near to this Dalbergia armata sprawled over the treetops, displaying its clusters of white flowers.
Erica cubica |
Fishing spider perched on a Nymphoides leaf |
Nymphoides thunbergiana |
The road was lined with shrubby Anthospermum aethiopicum in flower.
The predicted bad weather had reached us and the wind was starting to howl. We felt lucky to have a roof over our heads.
The electricity went out the next morning and the wind continued to hammer us as we set off to collect Mr. Sonwabile Jack and from there ventured into the wilderness area of the reserve. We stopped after crossing the ford on the Mkhambathi River and stopped to see what there was in flower in this area. Despite the very unpleasant conditions we staggered down to the river bank where we could see a small waterfall.
A waterfall in the upper reaches of the Mkhambathi River |
We drove on, Mr Jack guiding us along a track we had not previously used, passing a small population of Eucomis autumnalis and a few Aspalathus gerrardii in flower, despite being newly resprouted after the block burn. We reached the end of this track from where we could see the main part of the Mkhambathi gorge in the distance and braved the weather again to see what we could find. Apart from an unusually tall Satyrium longicauda there was little new but further on we found ourselves surrounded by Eriosema latifolium - up to now, we have only encountered this species in this reserve.
Botanising in gale-force winds surrounded by Eriosema dregei |
Aristea abyssinica |
Aspalathus gerrardii |
Eriosema latifolium |
Eucomis autumnalis |
Helichrysum acutatum |
As we started descending towards the sea we could see a high waterfall dropping down into the Mtentu River from outside the reserve. We reached a spot where we normally would stop for lunch; on this occasion the wind was still too unpleasant to make this a desirable option but we still got out to explore the rock plates here. And these efforts were rewarded with finding a few of the yet-to-be-described Ipomoea sp. None of these had fully open flowers, thanks to the adverse weather conditions, but it was easy to see the difference between this species and the Ipomoea simplex we had encountered earlier.
There were also two interesting Helichrysum sprecies here, H. felinum and one which looks most similar to H. diffusum but has pink inflorescences.
Watsonia densiflora |
Brachycorythis ovata |
Once we crossed back over the Mkhambathi River where the river falls into the sea, we started encountering more flowers and stopped to look around, especially since the weather had warmed up a little. Here we found the first Hilliardiella oligocephala and many Indigofera rubroglandulosa. There were also a few of an unusual white-flowered Ruellia cordata.
Hilliardiella oligocephala |
Indigofera rubroglandulosa |
Ruellia cordata |
The Daza River gorge |
Drypetes arguta |
Salacia gerrardii |
Flatid moth bug - its nymphs are often found on Salacia gerrardii |
Other species we found overhanging the river were Mystroxylon aethiopicum, Trichocladus grandiflorus, Struthiola pondoensis and Plectranthus saccatus subsp. pondoensis. We eventually reached the place where we found the Tephrosia pondoensis previously and there were two small trees. One had finished flowering some time earlier and had already dispersed its seeds, while the other was just starting to flower. We were pleased to be able to show Mr Jack this species so he could keep and eye out for more plants as he patrols the reserve.
Mystroxylon aethiopicum |
Plectranthus saccatus subsp. pondoensis |
Tephrosia pondoensis |
The Tephrosia hunters |
Trichocladus grandiflorus fruits |
Struthiola pondoensis |
It was starting to rain so we set off back to the vehicle and returned to the cottage to examine some of the twigs we had collected from trees over the previous two days, giving Mr. Jack names for each of these.
Unexpectedly, it cleared a little in the late afternoon and we decided to take a walk around the Gwegwe area. The tide was high, which made crossing the river mouth a timing challenge but once across, we could explore the north bank of the estuary. Here we found Mimusops caffra and Scutia myrtina flowering as well as an impressively spiny Caesalpinia bonduc.
On the grassy slopes above the estuary we found Senecio decurrens and Plectranthus hadiensis. We worked our way across the slope towards the sea and onto the rocks where we found the remnants of a small colony of Holothrix burchellii. Sprawled over the rocks were a flowering Urera trinervis and a stunted Ficus burtt-davy full of small spotted fruits, with Rubia cordata twining through them. As we reached the dunes we found two species of Passerina growing alongside one another -- P. filiformis and P. montevaga -- and tucked underneath these was a brightly coloured Argyrolobium species. There was a colony of Triglochin striata growing on the beach.
With a last glance back at the Msikaba River mouth from above, we said goodbye to this wonderful nature reserve, with the hope it will not be too long before we return!
Nymphoides nouchali var caerulea |
Msikaba River mouth |
Participants: Anne S, Dorothy M, Graham G, Kate G, Sonwabile J.